How to Play Mash – Friends on Paper – Categories


How to Play Mash

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Ever dreamt of peering into your future from the comfort of your own home? How to Play Mash, the timeless game that offers a glimpse into your predetermined life path.

But what are the rules governing MASH, and how does one engage in this fascinating fortune-telling endeavor? Gather some companions, procure a sheet of paper and a pen, and delve into the intricacies of this divination game.

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What is MASH?

MASH, a children’s game, endeavors to unveil the future that lies ahead for an individual. The aim is to refine various aspects of your forthcoming life, such as your future spouse, residence, and occupation, until a definitive outcome is reached for each category.

What does MASH stand for?

The acronym MASH corresponds to the categories in this fortunetelling game:

  • Mansion
  • Apartment
  • Shack
  • House

What do you need to play MASH?

Embarking on a session of MASH requires nothing more than a piece of paper and a pen. Whether you choose to play solo or with friends, the simplicity of the materials adds to the accessibility of the game.

How to play MASH

Commence the game by inscribing “MASH” across the top of your paper, representing the four dwelling options: Mansion, Apartment, Shack, and House. Subsequently, determine the facets of your future that you wish to foretell, encompassing areas like marriage, career, income, vehicle, offspring count, pets, and residence.

Feel free to incorporate as many categories as you desire, but it’s advisable to have a minimum of four for a well-rounded glimpse into your destiny. The more categories you include, the more intricate and detailed your foreseen future will become.

Beneath each category, introduce four options, injecting diversity into the scenarios—ranging from ideal outcomes to humorous or even less fortunate ones. For example, within the salary category, you might list options like “$1 million, $100,000, $1, and $0.01.”

If engaging with friends, add an element of unpredictability by having them contribute options for the various categories. In a two-player scenario, each participant could contribute to different categories, introducing an element of uncertainty and surprise.

Upon completing the categories, it’s time to determine your “magic number,” a key factor in unveiling your destiny. Draw a swirl on another sheet of paper or in the corner of your MASH page. Upon someone calling “stop” after a few seconds, count the gaps between the spiral lines—this number is pivotal.

Using the magic number, commence counting from MASH through the categories, crossing off the option that aligns with the chosen number. For instance, if your magic number is seven, eliminate the option you land on after counting from one to seven. Then, restart the count with the subsequent option within the same category.

Repeat this process until all options, except one, are crossed off, presenting you with a distinctive outcome for each category. Your final result might materialize as follows:

  • You reside in a mansion with your spouse, Timothée Chalamet, accompanied by two children and a pet cat. Your vocation as a photographer earns you a staggering $1 million, and you cruise around in a luxurious Lamborghini, calling Beverly Hills home (although, for some, Beverly Hills might be more of a nightmare city).

Alternatively, your destiny might unfold differently:

  • You find yourself in a humble shack with your wife, Mary Sue, surrounded by 100 children and a pet iguana. Your role as a writer fetches a modest $1, and your chosen mode of transportation is a humble mini-van. Your dwelling place is in Arkansas (a state that, while beautiful, might not align with your ideal locale, or conversely, could be your favorite).

How to Play Mash Game

Playing the MASH game is a fun and nostalgic activity that involves predicting aspects of your future, such as your spouse, job, and living situation. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to play the MASH game:

Materials Needed:

  • Piece of paper
  • Pen or pencil


  1. Setup:
    • Begin by securing a piece of paper and a writing utensil.
    • Write the letters “M,” “A,” “S,” and “H” vertically at the top of the paper. These letters stand for Mansion, Apartment, Shack, and House, respectively.
  2. Categories:
    • Below the MASH letters, create categories for aspects of your future you want to predict. Common categories include:
      • Who you’ll marry
      • Job
      • Salary
      • Car
      • Number of kids
      • Pet
      • Where you’ll live
  3. Options:
    • Under each category, list four options. Add variety to make the game more interesting. For example, in the salary category, you might write different amounts like “$1 million,” “$100,000,” “$1,” and “$0.01.”
  4. Players:
    • Decide if you’re playing alone or with friends. If playing with others, you can take turns or collaborate on filling in the options.
  5. Magic Number:
    • Draw a swirl on another piece of paper or in the corner of the MASH page. Have someone call “stop” after a few seconds.
    • Count the gaps between the spiral lines to determine your “magic number.”
  6. Counting:
    • Starting from the MASH letters at the top, count through the categories, crossing off an option each time you reach your magic number.
    • Continue counting, looping back to the beginning of each category as needed.
  7. Elimination:
    • Repeat the process until only one option remains under each category.
  8. Reveal Your Future:
    • The remaining options represent your predicted future. Share the results with others and enjoy the imaginative and often humorous outcomes.


  • Be creative with the options to make the game more entertaining.
  • Encourage friends to contribute to the categories for added unpredictability.
  • The magic number adds an element of randomness, making each game unique.

The MASH game is all about lighthearted fun, so feel free to customize the rules and categories to suit the preferences of the players.

How do you play the MASH game?

Playing the MASH game is a fun and simple activity that involves predicting various aspects of your future, such as where you’ll live, who you’ll marry, and what job you’ll have. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to play the MASH game:

Materials Needed:

  • Piece of paper
  • Pen or pencil


  1. Setup:
    • Begin by drawing four vertical lines on the paper. Write the letters “M,” “A,” “S,” and “H” above the lines, creating four categories: Mansion, Apartment, Shack, and House.
  2. Categories:
    • Below the MASH letters, create categories for different aspects of your future. Common categories include:
      • Who you’ll marry
      • Job
      • Salary
      • Car
      • Number of kids
      • Pet
      • Where you’ll live
  3. Options:
    • Under each category, list four options. These could be specific names, job titles, salary amounts, types of cars, etc. Be creative and have fun with the options.
  4. Magic Number:
    • Have a friend or yourself pick a random number (your “magic number”). This number will be used to eliminate options later in the game.
  5. Counting:
    • Starting from the MASH letters, count through the options, crossing off every option that matches your magic number. Continue counting, looping back to the beginning if needed.
  6. Repeat Elimination:
    • Repeat the counting and elimination process until only one option remains under each category.
  7. Final Outcome:
    • The remaining options represent your predicted future. Read them aloud to see the playful and often humorous outcome. For example, “You’ll live in a mansion, marry [name], have [number] kids, etc.”


  • Encourage creativity in coming up with options for each category.
  • Consider adding unexpected or humorous options for a more entertaining outcome.
  • If playing with friends, take turns picking magic numbers and counting.

The MASH game is all about spontaneity and amusement. Feel free to customize the rules and categories to make it more enjoyable for everyone involved. The unpredictability of the game adds a lighthearted element, making it a popular choice for parties, sleepovers, and gatherings.

What are the categories for MASH?

The categories for MASH (Mansion, Apartment, Shack, House) typically cover various aspects of a person’s future life. While the specific categories may vary based on personal preferences or creative modifications, here are common categories used in the traditional MASH game:

  1. Who You’ll Marry:
    • List potential future spouses or romantic interests.
  2. Job:
    • Include different career options or job titles.
  3. Salary:
    • Specify various income levels, ranging from high to low.
  4. Car:
    • List types of vehicles, from luxurious to practical or even humorous.
  5. Number of Kids:
    • Indicate the number of children you might have in the future.
  6. Pet:
    • Include different types of pets, from traditional to exotic.
  7. Where You’ll Live:
    • List various locations or types of residences, such as cities, suburbs, or specific types of houses.

These categories allow players to explore and predict different aspects of their future life, adding an element of excitement and creativity to the game. Players can customize the categories based on their preferences or add unique elements to make the game more interesting. The imaginative and often humorous combinations that arise from these categories contribute to the lighthearted and entertaining nature of the MASH game.

How to play mash on paper?

Playing MASH on paper is a classic and fun activity that involves predicting various aspects of your future, such as your spouse, job, and living situation. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to play MASH using just a piece of paper:

Materials Needed:

  • Piece of paper
  • Pen or pencil


  1. Setup:
    • Begin by drawing four vertical lines on the paper. Write the letters “M,” “A,” “S,” and “H” above the lines, creating four categories: Mansion, Apartment, Shack, and House.
  2. Categories:
    • Below the MASH letters, create categories for different aspects of your future. Common categories include:
      • Who you’ll marry
      • Job
      • Salary
      • Car
      • Number of kids
      • Pet
      • Where you’ll live
  3. Options:
    • Under each category, list four options. These could be specific names, job titles, salary amounts, types of cars, etc. Be creative and have fun with the options.
  4. Magic Number:
    • Have a friend or yourself pick a random number (your “magic number”). This number will be used to eliminate options later in the game.
  5. Counting:
    • Starting from the MASH letters, count through the options, crossing off every option that matches your magic number. Continue counting, looping back to the beginning if needed.
  6. Repeat Elimination:
    • Repeat the counting and elimination process until only one option remains under each category.
  7. Final Outcome:
    • The remaining options represent your predicted future. Read them aloud to see the playful and often humorous outcome. For example, “You’ll live in a mansion, marry [name], have [number] kids, etc.”


  • Encourage creativity in coming up with options for each category.
  • Consider adding unexpected or humorous options for a more entertaining outcome.
  • If playing with friends, take turns picking magic numbers and counting.

The simplicity and flexibility of playing MASH on paper make it a popular choice for social gatherings and occasions. Feel free to customize the rules and categories to make it more enjoyable for everyone involved. The game is all about imagination, spontaneity, and having a good time.

How to play mash with friends?

Playing MASH with friends is a social and entertaining activity that adds an element of surprise and laughter to the game. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to play MASH with friends:

Materials Needed:

  • Piece of paper for each player
  • Pens or pencils


  1. Setup:
    • Each player gets a sheet of paper and writes “M,” “A,” “S,” and “H” at the top, creating four categories: Mansion, Apartment, Shack, and House.
  2. Categories:
    • Below the MASH letters, players create categories for different aspects of their future. Common categories include:
      • Who you’ll marry
      • Job
      • Salary
      • Car
      • Number of kids
      • Pet
      • Where you’ll live
  3. Options:
    • Under each category, players individually list four options. These could be specific names, job titles, salary amounts, types of cars, etc.
  4. Magic Number:
    • Each player picks a random number (their “magic number”) or you can designate one for everyone.
  5. Counting:
    • Starting from the MASH letters, players take turns counting through the options, crossing off every option that matches their magic number. Continue counting, looping back to the beginning if needed.
  6. Repeat Elimination:
    • Players repeat the counting and elimination process until only one option remains under each category.
  7. Final Outcome:
    • Each player reads aloud their remaining options, creating a playful and often humorous future prediction. For example, “You’ll live in a mansion, marry [name], have [number] kids, etc.”
  8. Share and Laugh:
    • Players can share their outcomes with each other and enjoy the imaginative combinations that arise.


  • Encourage creativity and humor in coming up with options for each category.
  • Allow players to contribute options for each other’s categories for added unpredictability.
  • Make it a social event by playing in a group, sharing predictions, and laughing about the whimsical outcomes.

MASH with friends is a great icebreaker and a nostalgic game that often results in lots of laughs. Feel free to customize the rules and categories to suit the preferences of the group, making it an enjoyable and memorable experience for everyone involved.

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